Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Class Wiki

I think that the class Wiki is a great way for us all to interact and collaboratively offer advice, comments, and reviews about what one another are saying and/or doing in our classrooms or in our everyday lives. I really feel that Wikis are a great way to share ideas and thoughts about similar topics, as we seem to be doing throughout our Wiki. I was wondering if maybe we should focus on literacy more...should we create some pages about resources that we have used to help us in the teaching of literacy? Should we talk about the different sites and reference material that we use in our teaching? What do you think? We have Digital Storytelling and animoto, and we talk about the other projects and activities that we have been working on, but wouldn't it be great to share some ways that we teach reading and language arts concepts to our classes or ideas we have for teaching reading and language arts to our classes through technology. I think that this would make our Wiki even better!! Michelle and I were actually talking about possibly incorporating a Wiki into our Digital Storytelling project, where the students from my class and her class could communicate with one another about the different things that they are doing in math class each day. We thought, how cool would it be to have the students create a wiki for the students to talk about the vocabulary, the skills, and activities that they are learning in the classroom and how we, as the teachers have been teaching them these skills?? We are pretty excited about it! We were also thinking about possibly trying out a skype experience from my classroom to hers. Although we are in the same building, we could still try and get the kids talking digitally to one another!


  1. Go for it! I say, add whatever pages you think would be helpful. If others don't agree, they just won't post! But I'm sure most will :)

  2. I can't wait to start our Charlotte's Web Wiki. After we complete the imovie we can get it up and going. What chapter are you on? We read chapter two today. When are you going to the play? Too bad my class couldn't go too??? We're going to see Skippy Jon Jones in May. I love to integrate the Arts and Literature:)
