Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Digital storytelling

Picture taken from google images
What an awesome past couple weeks it has been! My class and mrs. Klock's third grade class have been working collaboratively together on a common unit in both grades:symmetry. Last week and the week before we introduced the topic and explained what the unit would like and how they would be working together to complete different activities practicing identifying lines of symmetry and reflection. Last week we started implementing different hands on manipulatives to use to help the students identify line symmetry. Last week we used geoboards, pattern blocks, and overhead transparencies to practice identifying and reflecting different patterns. This week we began exploring kid pix and we make reflective bookmarks and painted kites. I am very pleased with the amount of collaboration and cooperation that my class and the third graders have been implementing into the activities. They have been working so well together and they have been communicating effectively. They have been very upbeat about the collaborative aspect of the unit and the activities and they have been very motivated to complete all activities in a positive way. They are looking forward to completing the final digital storytelling activity!

I found a great digital story that helped show different ways to help teach different organizing skills to help students in the area of reading and language arts. I particularly liked the idea of using a cluster map to help brainstorm the different ways your could use a vocabulary word.


  1. I'm impressed that you were able to dig up an overhead projector, Krysta, and transparencies to boot! Our custodian recently uncovered one in the school's basement, covered in several inches of dust. Some of our newly hired (read: young) teachers didn't know what it was! No one knew what to do with it, so it's sitting in the principal's office. I'm glad you were able to put yours to good use. Some pieces of old "technology" can still be utilized. Now if we could just find a use for those old filmstrips and film projectors...

  2. Lisa, to be honest with you, we are not up on the new technology at our school....almost all of the classrooms still have overhead transparencies!! Only the fifth grade and up at our school have smartboards in their classrooms. Us down in the lower grades get an overhead transparency.
