Thursday, April 19, 2012

Skype from last class

What an amazing opportunity it was to Skype last week with the high school students involved in the girls program with Mr. G. I thought it was really great that we were particularly able to see how technology has impacted the student learning of these students at the secondary level. It was nice to talk with them and learn. About how they have adapted to the online class meetings and projects. It was very interesting to me about how flexible they were able to be when completing projects with others peers around the world. I can now see that there is a lot of organization and planning that needs to go into completing these projects successfully as a group, in order to demonstrate their understanding of the topics being taught to them. After talking with the girls on the Skype call, I was able to understand the importance behind technology and the differences between completing an online class and going to class. These girls had a lot of important things to say about the differences between actually going to class and taking part I an online class through Skype and other collaborative technology tools. Overall, I was very impressed with their level of enthusiasm for their professor and their class projects and assignments. I wish that I could have been provided with such a positive experience like them, when I was their age, but technology was still up and coming at that time.

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